Welcome to the website for the Greater Fairfield Region Chapter (GFRC)
of Connecticut Association for the Education of Young Children.
We are the local chapter of the state (CTAEYC) and national (NAEYC) organizations.
Board Members
President: Dana Gorman gfrc203@gmail.com
Secretary: Laurie Franzino
Fiscal Officer: Clarissa Moore
Vice President of Programs & Services: Brooke Nilsen
Vice President of Membership Services: Sarah M Marrocco-Velez
Vice President of Chapter Relations: Rosalie Witt
Vice President of Public Policy: Mary Oster
Board Meetings
All meetings will be held at 4:30 pm on the third Wednesday of the month at the Norwalk Public Schools Welcome Center. The Welcome Center is in the large white building at the intersection of East Ave., Wall St. and Park St. The entrance to the parking lot is on Wall St. From I-95 going towards the Norwalk Green, turn left at the intersection and then an immediate right into the parking lot. Parking should be fine but if there is another meeting it can be tight. Additional parking is available across Wall St. at the Norwalk Historical Society (next to the red brick building).
A letter from our chapter President:
Hello there! If you are a member of NAEYC, you are also a member of CTAEYC, and if you live in our region, you are also a member of the Greater Fairfield Region Chapter called GFRC. My name is Dana, and I am the President of our chapter. I am currently the Educational Director of The Community Cooperative Nursery School and the teacher of The Fours Class, as well. I have been there for 21 years. Previous to that, I taught Kindergarten in Greenwich, CT, for nine years.
In 2017 I went to a welcome event for GFRC of CTAEYC. I left that meeting inspired to work with the passionate, dedicated educators trying to elevate our field and help teachers of young children and directors continue to be lifelong learners. I became the Vice President of Professional Development, working to bring the high-quality professional development for which our chapter is known and appreciated. Working as a part of this group, I am continuously learning and being inspired. I want to invite you to do the same.
Our field needs our voices. Our meetings are open to everyone-they are chapter meetings. I invite you to attend and see for yourself. You do not need to be a board member. We do plan professional development for our area, and support our state affiliate, but we also network, support one another, discuss relevant topics, listen to speakers and share our struggles and successes. If you’d like to know how to become a member of NAEYC, please click here. Reach out to us at gfrc203@gmail.com if you'd like to be on the email reminder about meetings. Please encourage your colleagues to join us as well. You do not need to be a member to attend our meetings. In fact, at every meeting we raffle off a membership to NAEYC, so encourage those who'd like to learn more about our professional organization to attend.
I hope to see you there.
Dana Gorman
GFRC President
What's happening with
Greater Fairfield Chapter of CTAEYC
Maurice Sykes,
director of the Early Childhood Leadership
Institute and author of Child Care Justice:
Transforming the System of Care for Young Children.
Maurice lead us through an honest reflection about anti-bias work
and what it looks like with young children.
Understand Power Dynamics Within an Organization
Define diversity and Inclusion.
Explore the Dimensions of Diversity
Identify Effective Communications Strategies
Develop the Skills of Inclusive Leadership
"This event is funded by the Lab Schools Investments Initiative (LSII), a CT Office of Early Childhood (OEC) and Connecticut State Colleges and Universities (CSCU) partnership that uses ARPA funds to sustain and support Connecticut's Lab Schools, the Early Childhood Education workforce pipeline, and high-quality early childhood programming statewide".
Public Policy
We collaborate with the CTAEYC Public Policy Committee to monitor legislative and administrative policy developments that affect young children, their families, early childhood educators and early care professionals, on the local, state, national and international level.
If you are not a member please click here to join NAEYC online.
Please be sure that you select CTAEYC as your state affiliate.
If you are already a member, please be sure to check when your membership expires and keep it up to date.
In order to get the discounted rate at our workshops you need to be a member.
(Remember that is another benefit for becoming a member).
For more info on membership: Check out our NEW membership video!
o Join or Renew NAEYC Membership